Sunday, August 19, 2012

...Cat's out of the bag

                I never liked the expression, so naturally it was the first title to pop into my head. I’ve never known a cat who would allow someone to put it into a bag without a fight, and even if it did, it certainly wouldn’t be quiet about its plight afterward. So how could a cat in a bag be an appropriate expression for a secret? Apparently, it means something blatantly obvious is finally out in the open. Swinging, hissing, and scratching…

                I’ve tweeted about it, but I know few friends in my everyday life who actually belong to twitter. (Besides my husband who stalks pro athletes and Michigan State recruits…) At the request of my agent, I created a website, but I never linked it to my other media. I’ve been working tirelessly for years on several projects, but I usually work between the hours of 8pm and 2am. Sometimes I work in public, but I’d lie about freelance editing gigs. If someone really wanted to know what I was up to, it wouldn’t take a sleuth to figure it out. Writing and I have had a love-hate relationship for as long as I can remember, but I certainly haven’t written well. In fact, the first manuscript I ever wrote was during the summer between my first and second year of teaching…and it was awful. Absolutely cringe worthy. I began my second manuscript after my first son was born, and I fell in love with the story. When I finished the first draft, I thought with some editing it might actually be good enough to submit to agents. A great deal of editing… it was nearly 800 pages in length. It’s no wonder writing has given me wrinkles.

                But several years later… one husband… two children… and one brave agent later… this love-hate relationship has taken a turn for the better. I can proudly wear these bags under my eyes as battle scars from a war worth fighting. Hopefully, I will be able to share some exciting news with you soon, but for now take it easy on me. An introverted part of me never imagined my stories and ideas would be made public. I’m terrified to be in such a vulnerable situation – more terrified than if someone unleashed a rampant cat on me. One that’s been stuck in a bag for several years.

                I suppose the expression is fitting.

Check out my projects at


  1. The blog is great Amy! And yeah, totally feel you about our stories being made public. Vulnerable indeed. LOL


    1. Thanks, Anita! It's all out there now! #shakyhands. But I can hide behind your amazing book as I talk it up on here!!

  2. Thank you for allowing us in! I know it has been a lot of hard work, long hours and tremendous fun these last few years.

    1. I don't know what I would do without you! P.S. You may have to plan a trip back to naptown on Sept 7th b/c Erika Robuck is having her book launch party at the Annapolis B&N that night!

  3. SQUEE! The kitty is furry, has long claws and wears a big, noisy bell on his collar! THE CAT'S OUT OF THE FREAKING BAG! You're an amazing author and now the world will get to know it!!

    1. Haha! B, you never cease to make me grin like a fool! Thank you for holding my hand through this (and thank you for being you :)

  4. SO proud of you! And so excited the Cats out of the Bag, but never will I be able to use that saying again without thinking of a severly angry the cat and the slightly endagered person who let it out of the bag. I had never thought of it like that. This is why you are so good at what you do!

    1. Good thing we aren't cat people! I actually found some really cute pictures of cats in bags, and I almost posted it, but all that hype about the pinterest picture lawsuits made me "stray" ... heh heh

  5. I'm so happy for you!! I can guarantee you already have a great deal of fans! But I do know what you mean about letting your work be made public. It's hard and it's definitely allowing yourself to be vulnerable but it's going to pay off in the end! Can't wait to read them!

    1. Thanks, love! Ditto! A friend just recently wrote a blog about author reviews (bad ones,) and everyone agreed that even if the review was less than glowing, at least the reviewer was intrigued enough to pick up the book ...meanwhile I'm sure I'll be punching pillows and typing defensive responses when people make fun of my writing :)

  6. I know that those many sleepless days will become a beautiful story. Just let your dreams and personality flow through. I'm so happy for you.

    1. "All women become like their mothers" - Oscar Wilde

  7. Amy, I love you so much and I'm so proud of you for following your dream and putting yourself out there. Wishing you all the success in the world, and forever in your corner. Love, Mis

  8. "Nobody puts baby in a corner" - but if the corner involved you, I would go there any day :) Love you!!

  9. Yay, Amy! Good luck with the blogging and getting yourself out there. I'm with you on being terrified--I'm also very much an introvert so when my agent and I discussed using my real name, I had to think about it really hard. But I guess if we want to make it in this business, we have to put ourselves out there. Hooray for great friends and their support, right? We'll see ya at the goat cave! :D

    1. Thank you so much, love! I'm proud of you for choosing to go with your beautiful name. As much as we want to be published- we work, and pray, and research, and network- it is so daunting to know that something so personal will become so public. I always thought, "Well, I'll jump off that bridge when I get to it..." Here's to jumping! So thankful for you and the rest of the goat posse- we can all hold hands as we jump!
