Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Review: The Truth About Alice

I scooped up this book when I saw it arrive at my local library. I was meeting a student for tutoring, and after our session I sat and read the book. I finished in less than three hours. I visit classrooms often, and kids always, always ask for book recs. This will be one of them- I think the conversational tone with appeal to fans of contemporary.

Admittedly, during the first chapter (Elaine’s POV) I wasn’t so sure if I would like the book. She’s catty and opinionated and narcissistic (but isn’t that the point??). She’s true to her character, likable or not, although I found myself liking her more and more as the story progressed. My opinion of Kelsie rollercoastered throughout the story – again, this was the obvious intention of Mathieu. Kelsie’s questionable actions have a questionable reason. Same with the others. There are hidden motives, guilt, and meaning, and all of their actions intertwine.

It’s difficult to consistently alter POVs without 1. Confusing the reader or 2. Annoying the reader. At no point did I have to flip back to the chapter beginning to figure out who was speaking. The characters are that distinct. And the switching of perspective never interrupted the flow of the story.

I finished the book and thumbed through it again, just thinking. The dedication resonated with me: To All the Alice Franklins. Because they exist. I knew Alice Franklins in high school. Lies spread like viruses. I knew Alice Franklins when I was teaching high school. It’s sad, but she is present in so many schools. The same is true for the Kelsie. And Josh. And Kurt.

This one felt real. 

My only wish: (SPOILER BELOW: Stop reading if you haven't yet read the book)

My only wish was a more distinct resolution. I get it... often the truth is never uncovered, and Mathieu doesn't specifically say that it doesn't happen after the end of the book. We get a glimpse that Alice will be okay, yes, but I want everyone to know the truth!! She never says THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN, GUYS!!!! But even if the world never learns the complete truth, I would have liked for Alice to destroy the bathroom stall- or even find Josh or Kelsie painting over the graffiti to repent for their part in Alice's troubles.

Regardless, I loved the book.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


The Day of the Dead

In Of Breakable Things, The Day of the Dead or All Souls Day is an (after)worldwide celebration. It marks the end of their haunting. Festivals include illusions, dancers, games, singing, partying, and a masquerade. In a world of the mental, a costume can be made of flames, orbiting planets, smoke, 
rain, clouds, bones. If you can dream it, you can live it.

Thank you to everyone who entered the sBOOKtacular giveaway. Names were randomly selected through RC. Each winner will select prizes from the list until all of them are gone!

If a book isn't still on the page, someone else has already claimed it!


1. K. Smythe
2. A. Sienkil
3. M. Walton
4. Holly Bryan
5. P. Mandigo
6. S. Skylark
7. A. Jowens
8. Guadalupe B
9. Robby M.
10. Michelle L.
11. Precy Larkins
12. J. Christenson
13. Ash Darkmore
14. Tia
15. Reanna

CONGRATULATIONS! Book selections are first come, first served. You get to pick TWO!!! (full list of prizes link is above the Joker)

Email me at ALyndenRolland@gmail.com to choose your prizes or DM me on Twitter @amyrolland!!